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Doodle Review Demo

This is a Demo copy for the (coming soon) game Doodle Review!




About the Game

Doodle Review is a competitive family card game where the Artists must Doodle in a short time frame to impress the Critic.

Release Date

The release for Doodle Review is scheduled for end of 2022 or the start of 2023 but there will be a Kickstarter in Oct. 2021, so you can get the game earlier! We plan to have a Core Deck and 3 Expansion Packs available for the Kickstarter with future packs made yearly down the road.  

The themes of the Expansion Packs are as follows: - Horror Pack - Sci-Fi Pack - Romance Pack

*Any future themes are yet to be determined.

Get a Demo!

If you still don’t want to wait until next year we do have a Demo you can buy right now! Non of the subject cards will be in the core packs or expansion packs. That way you can add them to the core deck when the game comes out in full!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date April 05, 2021
Edition Demo
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Doodle Review Demo web site

Why buy this?

  • Non of the subject cards are in any other versions
  • Let’s you try the game out before you pay full price.
  • Anyone can play regardless of skill.

DoodleDooGames LLC

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