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Just enough strategy, a sprinkle of luck… and DOTs




Thanks for looking at DOT; a game with:

Just enough strategy, a sprinkle of luck… and DOTs

Please see our How To Play video for a quick introduction.


DOT is played on a 3x3 grid, similar to Tic-Tac-Toe. Each of the 9 cells on the board starts with a stack of 3 DOT chips, face down.


Each DOT chip has a mini 3x3 grid on its face that contains 1 to 9 dots in a unique pattern. This pattern describes the conditions under which this chip can be taken from the board to your score card.


The goal of DOT is to accrue the highest score by taking chips from the board and placing them on your score card.


Taking Your Turn

On your turn, you will take 1 of 3 possible moves.


The first type of move is a "Flip". Flipping lets you flip a face down chip face up.

The second type of move is a "Slide". Sliding lets you slide a chip to an adjacent stack as long as the stack contains 2 or fewer chips.

The third type of move is a "Take". Taking lets you take an eligible chip and place it on your score card.


A chip is eligible to be taken when 2 conditions are met:

  1. There are face up chips on the board in each of the cells corresponding to the dots on the chip’s mini 3x3 grid
  2. The chip itself is one of these face up chips

If the taken chip is in the top position of the stack, it is placed in the Top bin on the score card. If the chip is in the middle position, it is placed in the Middle bin, and if the chip is in the bottom position, it is placed in the Bottom bin.


At the end of the game, you will calculate your score by adding up the value of the chips in your 3 main bins: Top, Middle, and Bottom.

A chip's base value is the number of dots on its face. The final value of a chip is its base value multiplied by the bin's multiplier. The Top bin has a multiplier of 1, the Middle bin has a multiplier of 2, and the Bottom bin has a multiplier of 3.


For example, if your score card has a 5 chip in the Top bin, a 4 and a 2 chip in the Middle bin, and a 3 chip in the Bottom bin, then your final score would be 26!

Additional Details

There are a few more details found in the full rules which can be downloaded from this page, like Power Plays, so you can take a second move during your turn, and SOLO Play.

We hope you will give DOT a try - we're sure you will love it.


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Average Rating 7 reviews
Publish Date February 14, 2024
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info DOT web site

Why buy this?

Wow, that is actually really an intriguing yet simple game concept!

  • Easy to learn
  • Perfect mix of strategy and luck
  • Finish your game in 30 minutes

Crazy Cockatoo Games™

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  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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