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Dr. Wonderbread Servant Leader Daily Focus Mantra Cards logo

Dr. Wonderbread Servant Leader Daily Focus Mantra Cards

Daily Focus for Servant Leaders




Would you rather seek enlightenment for yourself, or help others find happiness and joy in their own lives? In the Tibetan tradition that is called "Bodhisitta." The hero in Herman Hesse's novel "Journey to the East," Leo, was a servant leader. Robert Greenleaf, former AT&T manager, wrote the classic management text "Servant Leadership."

A servant leader uses transformational rather than transactional leadership. His or her role is not to crack the whip and enforce rules and deadlines, but to help each and every person under the leader to develop his or her full potential. Crowds did not flock to see the king. Rather, they hoped to be SEEN BY the King, for that was a blessing of energy and encouragement. The king serves not his own glory and riches, but the richness of a peaceful and prosperous kingdom.

The ideal Servant Leader has lovingkindness, compassion, joy at others' joy, and equanimity. From there, all that is required is clarity of focus on intention, to make a better world by bring joy to people's lives, and clarity of focus on action, to manifest that joy and that spirit in the everyday Chronos physical world. Bring Kairos time into the tick-tock Chronos world by being a role-model and offering blessing and encouragement to all, so that they may be filled with gratitude for the joy of being in the present moment.

You already know about the calming, centering, healing power of Kairos time. You know that the more you can be in Kairos time, the better your days go.
There are only five languages In Kairos time. These languages bypass the rational intellect and pierce directly to the soul.
• Music, reflecting the very rhythms of the cosmos,
• Poetry, verbal imagery, where you can live your life writ large, as in an epic poem
• Dance and movement. “I can’t dance, I’m ill.” “You must dance or surely you will die.”
• Beauty, aesthetics, Feng Shui energy
• Sensuality. Good food. Aromatherapy. Lighting. Massage. Sensuous touch. Great sex.
These languages bypass the rational intellect and pierce directly to the soul.
This is where your creativity and imagination reside
This is how you can have mindfulness-be fully in the present without anxiety or concerns about past or future, Mindfulness is a prime requisite for Servant Leadership.
Let your soul tell you what is really important in your life. Focus with clarity.
For my own self, it is in Kairos that I am able to manifest my daily "5 Ss Mantra:
- smiles on faces,
- songs in hearts,
- stimulus to minds,
- solace to the soul and
- serenity for the Being
so all may be filled with gratitude and joy.
The card backdrops are Dr. W's own photos, places he has been and the magic he has seen and captured there. Individual cards are available on the Whiterock Gallery Web site, Bert Hoff: Artist Website [] at any size to poster size, on canvas, framed, matted or just loose.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date May 24, 2015
Edition First
Department Self Improvement
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More Info Dr. Wonderbread Servant Leader Daily Focus Mantra Cards web site

Why buy this?

  • Keep focused on the mental attitude a Servant Leadre needs
  • Daily tips on the expectations and roles of a Servant Leader
  • Spectacular mountain, nature photos help anchor the messages


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