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Dungeons of Kards - Edition Itens logo

Dungeons of Kards - Edition Itens

Deck of Extra itens to Expand you Adventure in Dungeons of Kards





Magic Introduction(any hero can use), distance atack introduction, missions, more bags of golds, enemys and special atacks cards

This Deck will grow your adventure and will change a DoK Game to a high level!

How to use:

Follow a simple guide for applying the new items, use your intuition regarding the game and above all, have fun with it.

To play with the additional items you must follow the steps below:

  1. Choose between 1 of the Spells or One of the accessories.
  2. Select 7 Iten Cards to place in each item stack.
  3. Select 5 between traps and stones and select 1 spell and 1 accessory. Accessories from the Item Deck do not need a turn card to count durability, only cards with Edition icons from the deck itself.
  4. Shuffle the cards you've chosen with the Items of the edition you're going to play and you're ready to start your game.

Mission Cards (SOLO AND CO-OP MODE)

The Black Portal objective card is just a portal card which will be inside the item cards.

To Use Quest cards you must:

  1. Randomly choose one of the 4 Cards with 3 items (icon = flag).

  2. When choosing, you take the 3 cards of the items drawn on the card chosen by you and mix it into the item deck (red back).

  3. At the end of your mission, you must return to the Dark Portal and defeat the Boss (Level 3 Monster)

"In case of playing in 8 people you shuffle the accessories and spells and randomly distribute 1 to each participant. Then you divide the 10 cards of Items that are left, 5 for each deck of Items of each Edition.”


Hi, My name is Eduardo Santini the Creator of Dungeons of Kards! I m Brazilian a good father and a boardgame lover. I did this game for my kids and they loved it! My crowdfunding over this game in Brazil was amazing, I get what I need to do the first 3 Editions of the game. Now I think I m ready to give this masterpiece to you made by The Game Crafters!

This is Dungeons of Kards in 90 Seconds.

"Yes! Dungeons, printed on cards the size of regular playing cards!"

Each Deck is a Standalone(doesn't matter with is an expansion or not)54 Card Deck, with a Dungeons&Dragons RPG style you get into direct action: monsters, items, heroes, and dungeons can play from 1 to 4 players, SOLO, COOP and ARENA, games from 30 to 50min.

The coolest thing is that it becomes expandable by acquiring 2 Decks. Increasing possibilities: more monsters, more items, increased dungeon, and gameplay for up to 8 players.

Each Deck contains 54 cards
separated by color on the back, containing:*
  • Dungeon
  • Heroes
  • monsters
  • Accessories -Pet
  • Action/Attribute Cards
  • Gold bags

The game can be played by up to 4 Players per Deck. It is modular and infinity, so With more Decks, More Players, and big the map gets, and items are scarce in each deck making the adventure much more difficult, more decks, more items. (See the example on the photo with 4 Decks Integrate)


886ba622-acc3-4925-bc4f-2d11f2880572.jpg (4 Decks together, more decks, the bigger and hard gets)

To win depends a lot on how you play.


The game becomes an arena, but to start the confrontations you need to walk through the dungeon, which contains items and monsters that can give advantages and disadvantages throughout the game. You win the match: beating the Boss (Boss) or eliminating all opponents in direct confrontation.

Coop (All against the game):

In this mode, you can help your friends to defeat all the monsters in the game and the mighty Bosso (Boss)

Solo mode:

As the title says, single player, you face all the difficulties of the game alone* (you can add the hero cards that are left in the items and during the game so you can find companions to join the adventure and help you in the battle against the incredible monsters that appear in front of you). You win the match by eliminating the Boss (Boss)

The game is a modular game, with you add more decks, the bigger the adventure gets, with another Themes the map gets huge and the difficult gets hard!

Instagram: @dungeonsofkards Website:

Solo (Portuguese)

Arena (Portuguese)

Setup Arena Board (Portuguese)


The Future Is Near. More Expansions Editions Will come out soon.(Every Deck is a Standalone(complete game), but together they are a big adventure) "Together we are stronger. Every New Edition has a different Monsters, Pet, Heroes, and Accessories."


Component Quantity Photo
Bridge Deck 1 deck of 43 cards Bridge Deck component icon
Bridge Deck 1 deck of 8 cards Bridge Deck component icon
Bridge Deck 1 deck of 2 cards Bridge Deck component icon
Bridge Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Bridge Deck component icon
Bridge Tuck Box (54 cards) 1 Bridge Tuck Box (54 cards) component icon


Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date July 14, 2022
Edition Extra Itens Deck
Department Games
Tags Dungeons cards rpg rpg boardgame rpg card game itens
More Info Dungeons of Kards - Edition Itens web site

Why buy this?

  • An RPG for everyone. be part of this project
  • A D&D style RPG with endless possibilities
  • A game for your family and friends.

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.

See It In Action

  • action shot 1
  • action shot 1
  • action shot 2
  • action shot 3
  • action shot 3
  • action shot 4
  • action shot 5
  • action shot 6
  • action shot 7

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