Fancy Animals is a beautiful rummy-type card game everyone will love!
Fancy Animals is a rummy-type card game where players choose one of four fancy animal portrait boards and use the material cards to make runs in order to acquire fancy clothing items.
On every turn players will either take a card from the draw deck or play cards from their hand to the table. They can make runs entirely from their own hand OR by creatively rearranging cards that others have already played. With each card being able to be played two different ways, players who are best at creatively out-thinking their opponents are sure to acquire the fanciest clothing!
If a player is able to make a run with the correct number of cards in the correct suit that player may take a piece of fancy clothing (corresponding to the run that was just made) and place it by the portrait board. Players will also be able to activate special cards that unlock the ability to break the rules in specific ways.
Different clothing types are worth different points and each animal has a specific clothing type they will receive bonus points for.
Once one animal has all four sides of its portrait filled with clothing all other players have one more turn before the game ends.
The animal with the most points wins!
If you like games like Rummikub you'll love Fancy Animals!