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The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.


A 1-8 player, simultaneous play, worker placement, development game.




You and your fellow players have fled famine and persecution to a small farming community in the new world. You have high hopes for your new life but there is barely a village when you arrive and life is tough. Through hard work, smart decisions, and a little help, you can survive, build up your farmstead, and if you really prosper, get your name on the deed of a few buildings in the burgeoning town.

The game takes place over 3 years of 4 seasons each. You start with 2 workers and add 1 every year. Each season you secretly assign your workers to 1 of 6 action types. You can assign multiple workers to the same action or spread out your actions to build on one another. Some actions are cooperative (e.g. trading with other players), some are more lucrative if more players are involved (e.g. farm raising), some less (selling), some competitive (bidding, buying, foraging) and some completely independent of what others do (working your land). Once everyone has decided, you reveal your actions, hope you chose correctly, and execute each in sequence.

Your goal is to earn the most victory points by the end of the game. Victory points are collected by buying fields, tools, and buildings; saving money; adding rooms to your house; and receiving victory point tokens (positive ones for feeding others, negative ones for not being able to feed your own workers).

Email and I'll respond asap!


This version of the game has been optimized to cost under $45. While this budget hasn't taken away much in terms of game play, some may want a version with higher quality components and more variety. We plan to produce a deluxe version soon with the following additions:
-Chits instead of shards for money and points (they're thicker, easier to handle)
-8x8 mats for each player (instead of the current 2x8 strips)
-A box bottom wrap
-Special field types (wood lot, mine)
-Lots of additional tools and vitality cards

Watch for this version or email us at if you want us to let you know when it will be ready.


Version 1.2
-Replaced generic paper money with custom coins (circle shards)
-Replaced winks with custom point chips (hex shards)
-Updated rules document based on Sanity Test feedback. Even at 92/100 there is room for improvement!


Component Quantity Photo
{{}} {{item.quantity}}


Average Rating 5 reviews
Publish Date March 05, 2014
Edition 1.1
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Farmstead web site

Why buy this?

In many ways though, I find it better than Agricola...this game is a win and I'd recommend it to anybody.

  • A strategy game for 1-8 players (you read that correctly)!
  • A deep game with lots of replayability
  • Simultaneous play so there's no waiting, even with a crowd


  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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