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Fave Game - Classic Version logo

Fave Game - Classic Version

How well do you know everyone at the table? Think they can guess your favourite things?




How well do you know everyone at the table? Think they can guess your favourite things? Find out in Fave Game!


Each round one player is named 'The Fave'. Players choose cards from their hand that 'The Fave' will like best. 'The Fave' will put the cards in preferential order and the top three cards score points!

Game Play

  1. Everyone chooses, from the cards in their hand, which ones The Fave will like best. (Players give cards depending on the total number of players)

  2. When all players have given The Fave cards, The Fave will then rank them in preferential order. The Fave will place the cards face down in order from most favoured to least favoured. The Fave will show them in order, starting from their least favoured card, explaining why they chose to rate each card in the way that they did. Longer, funnier, and crazier stories are recommended!

  3. When all cards have been shown, the player who gave the most preferred card will collect that card and keep it face up on the playing area as a score keeper. The other shown cards will be discarded.

  4. All players still holding cards will pass their entire hand to the player on their left and draw cards to replenish their hand to the starting amount. The new player without cards is The Fave for the next round. The number of rounds is equal to the number of players in your group, ensuring that everyone is The Fave once. Continue around the circle as many times as you want.

The game ends when everyone has been The Fave an equal amount of times and the score cards are counted!

2 Player Rules: The person who is not The Fave will be playing against The Universe. The Fave will take 3 cards from the deck as if The Universe gave them those cards. The game will then go along as usual. In this version, you can choose to count The Universe’s score cards or not. If you do count their score, you can divide The Universe’s final score in half.

Card Score Keeping: The player who gave the most preferred card takes three of the shown cards and keeps them face up on the playing area as score keepers. The player who gave the second-most preferred card takes two. If there are any left, the player who gave the third-most preferred card takes one. The rest of the cards are discarded.

House Rules

These are optional additional rules to make the game different and interesting every time!

Playing the Universe: Each time other players give cards to The Fave, The Fave will take one extra card from the deck and add that into their preferential order. That card is now being played by The Universe and you must count their score cards separately. If you do count their score, you can divide The Universe’s final score in half.

More Than Six Players: The game is played as usual but The Fave will have more cards than normal. So they will only show the Top 6 cards in their preferential order. The Fave will then show all of the cards that are not in their Top 6, all at once, at the end of the round. This game goes around the circle as usual with everyone playing one round as The Fave.

Least Fave Game: In this game The Fave is now called “The Least Fave”. It is played by choosing things that “The Least Fave” would NOT like. “The Least Fave” orders cards from least favourite to most favourite, with the least favourite cards winning.

More Games

These are additional games that can be played with any Fave Game deck!

Charades: Split into two teams. One person from each team will act out a card at the same time and whichever team guesses what is on the card wins a point. The teams will keep the cards face up as score cards. You can also decide if you want to have the actors to be silent or use sound effects!

Taboo: Split into two teams. The objective of the game is for a player to have their own team guess the word on the card, using words but without using any of the words on the card. If the team guesses the word in under 60 seconds, they win a point and will keep the card face up as a score card.

Tourettes: One person is the dealer. The dealer flips over the top card of the deck and must say a word that starts with the same letter as the first word on the card before the person to their left says a word. The winner of this pair faces the next person to the left and so on. The only rules are that you cannot say what is on the card, a number, a name, or anything that has already been said.

Apples to Oranges: The Fave picks one card and everyone looks into their hands to find one card that is similar. Once The Fave gets a card from every player, they show them all so that all players can give their opinions. The Fave chooses which card they think is most similar.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 07, 2017
Edition Third
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Have your friends guess what you like best
  • Guess what your friends like best
  • It's like Cards Against Humanity and Apples to Apples

Happy Rooster Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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