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Fellowship of Fools: The Game

We are all Fools on our journeys. Its dangerous to go alone. Take this game with you.




We are all Fools on our journeys through this world. It's dangerous to go alone. Take this game with you.

Multiplayer Mode:

Fellowship of Fools (FoF) is a game about relationships. Making friends takes time, communication and honesty. For many, making friends and forging new connections can be difficult or even feel impossible. FoF is a game that gives you an opportunity to get to know people through conversation, vulnerability and finding common ground. It is also a game about saying, yes, no and maybe.

This game is intended to help guide you through developing a friendship with someone new, or deepening an existing relationship. With prompts for situations to role play together, you must choose what are the best topics to explore in that given situation. Some things may be too personal to ask too early in getting to know someone, or not appropriate for the situation at hand. Together we will navigate these possibilities and share feedback on how we choose to play and respond. The more you play the more experience you build at conversing and building friendships. The more you play with the same players, the deeper your relationships become.

Track your progress with other players with our Character Sheets, with separate boxes to keep track of Yes points, Maybe points, and No points, as well as the Total Experience. Unlike traditional roleplaying games, in Fellowship of Fools you make Character Sheets for the other players rather than yourself, fill in the other person's attributes, abilities, interests, and background as you get to know them through playing FoF.

Fellowship of Fools is based on the Tarot, in use since the 14th century for games and since the 17th century for divination (that we know). The Tarot art for Fellowship of Fools dates back to 1761 to its use in France, and is called the Tarot de Marseilles, made by Nicolas Conver of Marseilles. Today, Tarot cards are used primarily for inner reflection and personal development; Fellowship of Fools aims to turn that reflection and development outward, to help build the skills of relating and building intimacy.

We’ve split the Tarot deck into its two parts—-the Major Arcana for Situations and the Minor Arcana for Topics. On each card there will be two different prompts—-Situation Prompts and Topic Prompts--with numbers to indicate their difficulty, the number of Topic Prompts that can be played for that Situation Prompt, and the number of points you can gain, or lose, based on how you play. You can earn points or lose points for how you play a Situation, asking an appropriate Topic that they will feel comfortable answering at this point in your relationship, and for how well you answer the Topic you asked of them and they ask of you.

Singleplayer Mode:

  1. Use the deck as a writing tool. You can draw 1-2 Situation Cards and then draw Topic Cards according to the number next to the Situation Prompts you choose, and turn these prompts into a writing or story prompt.
  2. Play by yourself. Interview yourself using the Fellowship of Fools game. The Tarot is a tool for self-reflection and self-examination, use it to get to know you better. You may find it helps you play better with others. Use the game to generate journaling prompts for self-reflection.
  3. Use the Fellowship of Fools as a Tarot card deck and experiment with different spreads. Reading Tarot cards for yourself is a way to access your intuition, gain insight into challenging situations, and seek perspective on tough decisions. We recommend Biddy Tarot, they can guide you through how to do a Tarot reading for yourself as well as a variety of different spreads you can try out for various topics.

Going Forward:

This is our BETA version of the game, we are looking for player feedback and suggestions for alternate Situation Prompts and Topic Prompts, especially those based off your personal knowledge of the Tarot. You can submit your alternate Prompts ideas here: Alternate Card Prompts Submissions

We also have suggestions on other ways to play Fellowship of Fools, and are taking suggestions for alternate ways to play. Submit your ideas and check out ours for other ways to play here: Other Ways to Play

This is just the beginning for Fellowship of Fools, we have goals to make the game available as an app, and to develop expansion decks for romance, sexuality, community and kink relationships. Friendship is a relationship, and we feel it is the backbone for exploring other types of relationships and ways of relating. We are all Fools on our journeys through this world. It's dangerous to go alone. Take this game with you.

NOTE: If you can't quite afford this version of the game, Fellowship of Fools: The Deck is available, which doesn't include the Stout Box and Character Sheet. While we like this version best, we want the game to be accessible to as many as possible.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date June 24, 2018
Edition First
Department Self Improvement
Tags {{}}
More Info Fellowship of Fools: The Game web site

Why buy this?

  • 2 Players is best, but you can play with as many as you want
  • Make new friends or learn something new about an old friend
  • Submit alternate prompts or gameplay ideas during beta


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