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Fifty Words

How many of these words can you find on a page in 1 minute?




Fifty Words is a reading challenge for 2 players.

You just need any book (or magazine or newspaper), pen & paper, and a timer.

Open the book to a random page and place it where you can both read it. The game card lists the fifty most commonly used words with 4 or more letters; place it nearby.

When you're both ready, grab your pens and start the timer -- write down as many words as you can find that appear on both the page and the card.

Once the time runs out, compare your lists.

If you've written any words that don't appear on either the page or the card, then you're disqualified, and your opponent wins.

Otherwise, the player who has written the most valid words wins!

Team variant

You can include more players by playing multiple games in teams.

divide into 2 equal teams, then for pairs with 1 player from each team. Each team will need their own book.

Place the card centrally so everyone can see it, then all pairs play their own separate 2 player games simultaneously.

Once the pairs have compared their lists and scored, combine all scores for each team. The team with the highest total score wins!


Component Quantity Photo
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 09, 2023
Edition First
Department Games

Why buy this?

  • Competitive book-based gameplay!
  • Improve your reading comprehension speed
  • Play in team mode for larger groups


  • This game does not come in a box.

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