A game based on managing a monstrously incompetent bureaucracy.
Final Decrees is a board game based on a monstrous incompetent bureaucracy. Players play the upper echelon of the various departments. The player with the least blame at the end of the game wins. The game is for 4-5 players and takes 60 to 90 minutes to play.
Note that this game does not come with scorepads. Scorepads are available at:
Final Decrees (Decree Scorepads) [www.thegamecrafter.com] or you can download the score sheets to print of to use.
Blame Counters not included, use pennies or dice that you have on hand. You can order Blame Counters for use in this game at:
Final Decrees (Blame Counters) [www.thegamecrafter.com] .
Based of Final Decrees by Carl de Visser and available at
http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~devisser/ [homepages.ihug.co.nz] The original work is available under a
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 New Zealand
— CC BY 3.0 NZ [creativecommons.org] License.