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It's Rummy with a Twist!




Each player is trying to get rid of their hand of cards by playing "Sets" and "Runs"...
...BUT the catch is that all of the cards are double-sided. That means your opponents can see, and TAKE your cards. Use 'em or lose 'em!
If you steal a "Flip!" card from another player, you flip over your entire hand!

Flip! was successfully funded on Kickstarter in the spring of 2014, and is now available to the public for the first time here on TGC!

*Note: Some of the action shots show prototype artwork.



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Average Rating 8 reviews
Publish Date December 04, 2013
Edition Second
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Flip! web site

Why buy this?

This is a great game for the kids and the parents... The truly wonderful thing is, both casual and competitive groups can play the same game at the same time and have a fun experience.

  • A fast, fun new take on the classic game!
  • Double-sided cards means you use 'em or lose 'em!
  • Special "Flip!" cards spice things up!


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