Tired of waiting for the regular NFL season to begin again? Well, wait no longer because it's finally here. Off Season Sports Card Games proudly presents FOOTBALL FRENZY! Football Frenzy is the one and only game on the market that almost perfectly mimics the actual game of football. This game isn't like any other board/card game you've ever played. No more moving a token mindlessly around a board; no more complicated stats to keep track of; no more rolling multiple dice to determine the outcome of each play; just good old fashioned competition and strategy fueled by desire to grind your opponent into the dirt. Each and every play is controlled by Y-O-U. Other than concussions and cold weather, virtually anything done on the field can be done here. Whether throwing a 40-yard bomb or sacking the quarterback or recovering a fumble or punching the ball or intercepting a forward pass, you control it all. So, suit up and show us what you got! Get off the bench and get in the game!
Don't forget to download the available files. Use poster or tiling to print the field and make sure to fold the bench(es) on the black lines. Use card stock for the benches for best results. See photo 1 as an example.
See our other videos at Off Season Sports on YouTube.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 1 reviews |
Publish Date | August 11, 2019 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |