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Glory of Battle (RO) logo
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Glory of Battle (RO)

One player as the Boss, the others must take the Boss down.




After the Raza Migration, a guild was created to settle the conflict of the new populace and battles around Raza-Oin, for the Paladins could not fight them all. Julios Himail a general of the Therana Kingdom fought in the war on Raza-Oin to stop the Silontis Empire from bringing back the Rains of Chaos. After the war, he settled on Raza-Oin, starting a tavern for old war vents and travelers. Because so many came, it was a hub for people to ask for help from those that could fight on their behalf. Julios saw to help by putting up post boards and letters to manage the request, some of the warriors saw a great deal in Julios and convinced him to form a guild. The tavern grew in size and became home to members of the guild now known as Oin Blade.

Glory of Battle is a 4 to 6 player card game, with one player as a Boss Character and the others as Hero Characters. Glory of Battle uses the same rulings of Paladins of Raza-Oin with a few added rules and cards specific to the format.

Purchase of a (RO) Starter Deck is needed for (AP), (DP) markers, and (SP) Meter card.

Support of Raza-Oin card game will also go to Artwork for Glory of Battle cards that are ready once art is added.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 03, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
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  • GOB featured cards, combined with the RO original cards


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