Go Fish DNA! is based on the classic game with educational changes. A quick and fun way to learn about DNA and how it codes for proteins. Designed for 3-4 players, there are four levels: Beginner Go Fish DNA!, Advanced Go Fish DNA!, Super Advanced Go Fish DNA! and Crazy, Really Super Advanced Go Fish DNA! Beginners try to collect 3 sets of 3 cards labelled 1,2,3 to win a hand.
There are no losers only positive points. Advanced players organize the cards in the same way except now the letters on them (G,C,A,T)—the bases of DNA (Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine, Thymine)—are important. Scores are generated from coding charts. In the Super Advanced game, players are introduced to the idea that the 3 cards (1,2,3) are equivalent to codons that code for amino acids. Now they can collect 3-card sequences (codons) that specify 20 different amino acids with higher game points, not only adding knowledge but more challenging game play. In the final Crazy, Really Super (you get it!) game the goal is to collect coding sequences for real fish proteins—proteins from goldfish, salmon, zebra fish and shark—that are similar to human proteins.
Everything that is needed is in the 72-card deck box: Playing cards, Rules cards, coding charts, plus several information cards to explain about DNA, codons and amino acids. So why not Go Fish DNA! for Fun and for Knowledge.
For more information about DNA Games: Playing Games with DNA | CaMBPs
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | February 22, 2021 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |
More Info | Go Fish DNA! web site |