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The Game of Hydroponic Hysteria




Take on the role of a village in an ancient River Boggle civilization, a people who grew food in their mouth while standing in water for months on end!

Compete with other villages as you harvest and store crops for winter, but avoid being seen by your gods as too greedy!

The center of your world is a five-card, poker-like river. There are simple tools at your disposal, but as Boggles had no need to develop complicated industrial agriculture, those tools are limited to what can be done with the people of your village--like redirecting the River by creating a Wave o' Boggles, or changing the contents of the River by having a bunch of Boggles slurp it up while another group spit in new elements.

What's YOUR store score?

This game is based on two standard 52 card decks. If you'd like to try the game out for free, go right ahead and download the rules, the face card reference sheet (below), and print a few 'During Your Turn' cards (above). Length of play can be easily adjusted by adding or subtracting cards to the starting deck. Enjoy!


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Average Rating 3 reviews
Publish Date October 25, 2011
Edition 1.15
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info GULP web site

Why buy this?

  • Wacky narrative!
  • Easy-to-adjust length of play!
  • Texas hold-em stuff... kind of... but educational!


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