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Happy Haunts

The first player to collect 5 Haunted Houses wins!




You're a member of an eccentric, rich, oil oligarchy, who recently lost their dearly beloved Mother to alcohol poisoning. Your older Sister was told by a psychic medium that if someone in your family would show sympathy towards the Happy Haunts of your local township that they would also have the pleasure of a visit from your Mother's spirit... And you can know once and for all who is inheriting her massive fortune!

Collect Haunted Houses - Create different Haunted Houses by laying down matching Ghosts. A House is not Haunted until two Ghosts are there, but be careful, other players might remove Ghosts or your entire Haunted House from the table with Special Cards!


Object of the Game - The first player to collect 5 Haunted Houses wins!

Setup - Mix all Ghost cards in a pile in the middle of the table face down (this is the Graveyard). Shuffle the House card deck. Draw 3 House cards and 3 Ghost cards.

Start - Whoever saw a horror movie or TV show most recently goes first. Play goes around the table from there.

Houses - Normal House cards have room for Ghosts. Faded icons show what Ghosts can be matched with each House. You must lay down a House card first to match Ghost cards with it. When both slots are full, the House is Haunted!

Ghosts - Match Ghost cards with Houses that have an open slot for them. Apparitions (green) are wild, and can be matched to any open slot. Grim Reaper (frowning Ghost) removes 1 Ghost of your choice from another players House (including Haunted Houses).

Play - Play two cards total each turn. You may play any combination of Ghost or House cards per turn. If you can not lay down any cards, your turn ends.

Drawing - Draw 2 in any combination of Ghost or House cards at the end of each turn. You have a hand limit of 5 House cards and 5 Ghost cards. If you have more than 5 of either at the end of your turn you must discard.

Discarding & Shuffling - All discarded cards are placed in the discard pile. They may be reshuffled back into the Graveyard, or House deck when either is depleted.

Special Cards - Count towards the limit of two cards played each turn.


Component Quantity Photo
Tombstone Shard Set 1 set of 70 tombstone shards Tombstone Shard Set component icon
Small Pro Box 1 Small Pro Box component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 53 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date July 24, 2018
Edition First
Department Games

Why buy this?

  • Spooky Ghosts
  • Haunted Houses
  • Halloween year-round!

Around The Clock Games

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  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.

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