Just picture the scene. You have just started as a steam locomotive driver working for the Lanton Snibble Heritage Railway. It’s what you’ve wanted all your life, and now, your dream has come true. You didn’t realise when you first started but there is quite a bit of rivalry amongst the other drivers. The reason for this is that the one that carries the most passengers on any particular day gets the great honour of having their photograph put up above the ticket office window for all to see. Everyone wants that accolade. It might just lead to fame and fortune or, at very least, a couple of pounds extra and a packet of chocolate biscuits with your next pay packet…
You have a set amount of time in which to venture around the board and, as you do, you will come across various hazards that will slow your journey along the lines. You might come upon a car broken down on a crossing or some sheep wandering around on the track. You could find yourself approaching the Branch Line Stations of Vexingstanley or Horton Heatherslaw then, suddenly, be diverted far away. Conversely, you might find extra passengers unexpectedly getting on your train or have a top up with water or coal meaning you can continue even farther afield. There are many twists and turns providing fun and laughter along the way.
Once all the drivers have returned to the main station at Lanton Snibble, the one that has carried the most passengers is the winner.
Set a timer to allow 15 minutes per person playing (2 players,30 minutes - 3 players, 45 minutes etc.) then, when the buzzer goes, each player has 5 turns in which to return to the start/finish area. There are penalties for taking more than the 5 turns... It can be played by one person who can then play again and try to beat their previous score or it can be played by as many people as you can fit around the table.
There are many twists and turns providing fun and laughter along the way.
The rules are really easy to read and understand so it's a very good family game.
You are very welcome to download the 'how to play', the timer explanation sheet and the score sheets right now for free to help you decide if this game is suitable for your needs. They are NOT included in the box so you will need them when you buy the game anyway.
You don’t need to know anything about trains to play this game.
Thank you for visiting my shop page and do I hope that you go on to buy and enjoy a copy of this game.
Best wishes,
Norman the Northman
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | September 27, 2020 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |
More Info | Heritage Line web site |