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Hidden Identity Chess (Pieces only)

Chess pieces with the symbol only on 1 side




Hidden identity chess is a variation of chess where you don't know the identity of your opponent's pieces.

This game is just the pieces, you will need to supply your own chess board. Ths game comes with 16 solid black stickers for the backs of the black pieces to hide the reflections.

Rules - Video

The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes. There is no check or checkmate. The object of the game is to capture your opponent’s king. Each piece is replaced by a special chess piece whose identity can only be seen on 1 side. During set up, each player places their pieces however they want on their closest 2 rows, with their pieces identities facing them, hidden from their opponent. There is no restriction to where pieces can be placed. Pawns are allowed to be placed on the first row and bishops can be placed on the same color.

Whenever a piece is captured, it’s identity is revealed.

Pawns on the first row are allowed an initial double-step move if you want. If a pawn moves to its second row, it can still perform its double step move. En passant is allowed like normal against an opponent’s pawn taking a double-step from either row, however, if the opponent’s piece being captured isn’t a pawn then the pawn preforming the move is removed from the board instead. When performing en passant, the identity of the piece trying to be captured remains hidden with the owner of the piece simply stating that the piece isn’t a pawn. The king is allowed to move to a threatened space.

Castling is allowed if the rook is on the same row as the king and there are no other pieces in between. To castle, move the king 2 spaces towards the rook, then move the rook to the other side of the king. If a rook is 2 spaces away, or adjacent to the king, then the king takes the space of the rook and the rook is moved to the other side. You may only castle if it is the King and Rook's first move of the game.

If ever a piece is moved illegally, or discovered to have move illegally in the past, then the illegally moved piece is removed from the board and the opponent of that piece also removes any single enemy piece of their choice from the board as a penalty. If the illegally moved piece was already removed from the board when discovered, then the opponent removes 2 pieces of their choice instead of 1. If a player performs more than 1 illegal move in a game, then they immediately lose.

The first player to capture their opponent’s king, wins!

You can also play with the revealed kings variant. At the start of the game, use a divider when setting up the pieces and play with a normal king. Remove the divider to begin play, both players will now play the game with knowledge of the enemy king’s location.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date December 19, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Hidden Identity Chess (Pieces only) web site

Why buy this?

  • Support the Triple S Games YouTube Channel
  • Secret Chess
  • Custom Chess Symbols


  • This game does not come in a box.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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