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History Repeating

After recovering Einstein's chronometer from behind enemy lines, it might be the only way to escape.




History Repeating is a time-looping, cooperative, adventure game. The game is played over a series of Events that form a timeline. As a team, players must survive through an entire timeline. If a player dies or is captured, the whole timeline resets and players start again.

To overcome events, players must meet a certain set of attribute objectives. To do so, each player is given a deck of action point cards. By optimizing these cards over the course of the timelines, players will be able to perform actions that will help them and their teammates overcome various events.

However, players only get a finite number of loops to complete the whole timeline and to save themselves... and history.

By 1942, the Second World War was in raging on and scientists the world over were toiling away to find some method of ending the conflict. While most developed bombs, rockets, or tanks that could end the war in just a moment, Albert Einstein looked to let the Allies get a shot at that moment again and again. Tirelessly pouring over the latest theories about the flow of time, Einstein sought to make a device that could allow a small group of individuals to move backward through time to a selected point. Those individuals could use knowledge of how events unfold to better prepare for coming attacks, change strategies that failed, or undo the successes of their enemies.

Einstein was mostly finished with his work, which he dubbed “The Chronometer,” when it was revealed that one of his lab assistants had actually been a spy, tasked with returning information on Einstein’s works back to the Axis Powers. The assistant, now compromised, grabbed the near finished Chronometer and made a mad dash to a military lab in Nuremberg, Germany where he and his fellow scientists were able to piece together the rest of Einstein’s device. From there, the device was transferred to a Japanese base in the Solomon Islands for further testing. On the eve of the final test, the Allies planned to send in a covert military group to steal the device back and keep the Axis Powers from turning the tides of war in their favor. What many believed to be Operation Watchtower, an offensive to the Solomon Islands to secure Allied Supply chains was really a cover to sneak your group to the town of Voza on Choiseul Island. There, the group found a remote research facility that housed the temporal device that very well could decide the war.

Now, armed with your wits and some basic supplies, you and your compatriots have broken into the facility and retrieved the device. Escaping to safe lands is a different story, however. Use what equipment you can scrounge up, knowledge you have built, and even Einstein’s Chronometer itself to ensure that the future and past both remain protect from further influence of the Axis Powers.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date October 06, 2016
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Events combine into hundreds of possible timelines.
  • Featuring golden era of comics art.
  • A cooperative, deck-building, adventure game!

Time Change Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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