Hot Cards provides new ideas for you to try, borrows ideas from more traditional card games, and blends it all together to form a fun sex card game. A card game that revolves around and compliments your sex life, rather than dictate your activity.
There are two different game play modes, cooperative or competitive. Cooperative is just give, receive, and enjoy. Competitive starts with each person secretly writing down a desired sex act. Whomever gives the other person more orgasms by the end of the game gets to reveal their desired act. That can be initiated as a finale or at a later date. There are 180 total cards and game play starts with each player drawing seven. Cards are either action cards like 69, missionary, hands only, etc or modifying cards like +/- time, +/- intensity, blindfolded, picture taking, etc. If you draw a match, you can start that action with a default time of three minutes and play a modifier card to tailor the action to your desires. The game naturally progresses from lighter to heavier activity without forcing the players pace.
The objective is to give each player a fun, easy way to initiate new experiences and to get out of a sex routine.
One of the cards included in the deck will have instructions printed on them.