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A 3-5 player strategic trick-taker with card abilities.




Howl is a trick taking game of gambling in order to become the first player to win seven crystals.

Players will bid on how many tricks they believe they can take in a round. If they succeed, they will be rewarded. If not, their opponents will be rewarded instead. With special card abilities that can be activated at various times to change the tide of the round, strategic card play and card counting is not only encouraged, but expected.


Howl is played over several rounds, with each round consisting of the following phases:

  1. Dealing the Cards: Deal 7 cards to each player. Place remaining cards face down as the prize.
  2. Bidding: Bid for how many tricks you can take in clockwise order.
  3. Settling the the Prize: Bid winner adds the prize to his hand and then gives every player 1 card.
  4. Playing Tricks: Play out the 8 tricks, activating abilities as you play cards.
  5. Scoring: If the bid winner succeeded, he gets 2 point crystals. Otherwise, all other players get 1 point crystal each.
  6. Wrapping Up: Power cubes are given out based on number of cards collected of each suit.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date December 08, 2016
Edition First
Department Games
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I just fixed your game.

  • Strategic Gameplay
  • Gorgeous Artwork
  • Unique Abilities

Zovu's Shelf

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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