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Humans Against Everything 1

Social party games for apes who can read.




DECK #1 (of 2) 120 Prompts & 480 Responses (plus 25 Blank Cards) Visit for links to the other deck.

Meet your new best friend. This one's going to be a terrible influence; hellbent on turning you into one of those people who just can't leave well-enough alone, and doesn't give a damn who they offend. The bright side to all of this, of course, is that your new friend will always keep you laughing and failing to take yourself too seriously.

If you've a group of people around to drink with, and simply want a guaranteed good time, then Humans Against Everything is the game for you. And, if the main game ever gets stale, you'll have over 25 different variations to take on; some mimic drinking games, while others have you mad at imaginary friends. Hell, some even get you naked (it's for fun).

Also, this is only one of multiple decks to be had; each chock full of completely unique playing cards. So, don't be the last to make it to the best party on the block. Buy your copy of H.A.E. today! You'll hate yourself for loving this game so much, but that's life.

Be sure to grab your free download of the rules while you're here.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 15, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Humans Against Everything 1 web site

Why buy this?

  • More than 25 ways to play!
  • Thousands of hilarious combinations!
  • Perfect for an evening of drinking!

Shane Windham's Games

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