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Hungry Monsters

Feed monsters, earn points.




Welcome to a world inhabited by monsters. Sure, some of them are kind of cute, but they also have to be fed constantly. Which is annoying. And it doesn’t help that they’re picky eaters. Oh, and did
I mention that if they don’t get fed they get a little crazy? Seriously...some of them are NUTS.

Well that’s where you come in! It’s your job to feed all these weird little creatures. Collect as many
monsters as you can to earn points. You can even steal them from other players if you have the right cards. Sometimes other players will have to give you their monsters because they couldn’t feed them. And you’ll run into the same problem because food is scarce (which means you’ll have to play
favorites). So grab some friends and get feeding, because there’s nothing worse than a
Hungry Monster.


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date January 23, 2014
Edition Second
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • 50 Unique Monsters
  • Fast-paced and Fun
  • Vaguely Educational

Games by Mark Edwards

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