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Hy-Yah! logo


Draft, bluff and outwit your opponent in this unique and quick 2 player duel.




Hy-Yah! is a card based physical duel where each card may have two different attacks, for tens of thousands of possible outcomes. Draft different decks and strategise on how to bluff and beat your opponent into submission.

How To Play:

Draft & Fatigue Deck Building

Start by drafting 10 cards, each player taking it in turns to add a card into one of 5 decks of different amounts. Draw another 10 and repeat until the deck is empty. (50 Cards in total)


Choose your Move

Both players play 1 card from their hand face down so each card is facing one another on the side you want to use. (The Player wants to Weave, anticipating a strong attack from the other player)


Reveal Moves

The Weave chosen is against the other player's Flying Kick


Check Matrix for Outcome

In this battle the Flying Kick misses the Weave, the player who played the Flying Kick will now discard a card if possible from their current deck whilst they recover.


Other Possible Outcomes

If the Player had played a Uppercut the Flying Kick would have dealt 2 damage and the Uppercut 1 damage to the other player.


If Block and Weave were played it would be stalemate defense, and if Uppercut was played against Block, the Uppercut would have dealt 1 damage as it just about breaks through the Block.

This is repeated throughout each deck of 7, 6, 5, 4 and finally 3 cards simulating fatigue until one Player has knocked out the opponent by dealing the most damage in 3 seperate rounds.

String together high damage attacks and keep your opponent off guard by saving some meditation for the end o the round. Or put all your defense into the first few decks and sustain your opponent to come out flying in the second half.

A simple tactical game where it's as much about swinging fists at your opponent as it is convincing them you're not.

Time to Hy-Yah! some butt!


Component Quantity Photo
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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 22, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Draft 5 decks of varying sizes to simulate fatigue
  • Unique Rock, Paper, Scissors style fighting matrix
  • Simple, quick, small, & plenty of smug faces.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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