The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.
Can you survive the land of fire and ice?
Your tour group was having a lovely stay in Iceland, exploring its lush lowlands, breathtaking geysers, snow-capped mountains and wondrous glaciers...until the volcano awoke.
Now it's up to you to lead your group to the safety of the evacuation boats while avoiding deadly lava, volcanic ash, melting glaciers and monster waves.
In ICELAND, it's you against both the elements and rival tour groups aimed at reaching the boats first. The race is on to get as many of your tourists off the island as you can before the volcano blows!
In ICELAND, you control a group of tourists trying to get off the island. On your turn, you'll play a card from your hand. Each card contains three pieces of information showing:
- Your Movement Allowance - The Island Hazard You Control - Your Special Ability
Each card has a unique combination of these actions, and you may enact all of them on your turn in any order you choose.
Your Movement Allowance is used to move your tourists toward the safety of the boats, and you may split movement points among your tourists however you wish.
The Island Hazard lets you affect the island in some way, either by placing lava flow, glacier melt, ash, icebergs or a monster wave to slow down (or take out) your opponents' tourists.
Finally, your Special Ability gives you a skill you can take advantage of on that turn, such as leaping over lava, forcing a boat to depart or swapping positions with an adjacent tourist.
When the deck runs out, each player gets one final turn before the volcano erupts and the game ends.