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Idunn's Apples

Play as Loki in this solo game of tricky choices.




Loki once got in trouble with the gods by helping the giant Thjassi steal the goddess Idunn and her marvelous Apples of Youth. Loki was successful in getting Idunn back, but the gods are not done punishing Loki for his misdeeds! They demand that Loki find all the missing apples and return them to the gods.

This is a fast choose-your-own-adventure game played out in fifteen cards. Play as Loki as he lies, boasts, steals, or transforms his way into recovering five missing apples.

The print-and-play files can be found here: IdunnsApples.pdf


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 12, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Idunn's Apples web site

Why buy this?

  • A choose-your-own-adventure game with only fifteen cards!
  • Endless story combinations for replayability!
  • Avoid capture to choose a different fate!

Caroline Berg

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