A frantic race in the jungle for treasures.
Big Prizes! Bigger Money! Welcome to the reality TV show, Inca Rush, where teams take on the lush South American jungles to find hidden altars, loaded with idols. The goal is being the first team to collect all 6 different colored idols and returning to the Base Camp first.
On a players turn, they have the choice of exploring the jungle or moving around the board. As new tiles are unveiled, it will change the board, offering new paths and more rewards. There's even an advanced variant where some players must take the idols from other players.
Updated with full box art, rules booklet, and wooden pieces. Which brings us to the Black Box. What is a Black Box Edition? It's a cheaper but still fully functional version of the game. You're not missing out but it helps those on a budget and later on, if you like it, you can purchase an upgrade kit to get all of the stuff that was missing from the Black Box Edition.
Inca Rush: Black Box Edition [www.thegamecrafter.com]
And what's this? A Print and Play version? Absolutely. This version is completely free to print and play. If you like it, gee, it sure would be swell if you purchased a copy. No pressure though.
Rules and some Tokens
Inca_Rush_PNP_rules.pdf [docs.google.com]
Tiles and the rest of the Tokens
Inca_Rush_PNP.pdf [docs.google.com]