** The ancient Roman dice game.
Lay out the playing area by putting a pile of “Venus” cards, a pile of “Dog” cards and the 3 coins together.
In play:
4 Players: 3 “Venus” cards, 6 “Dog” cards and 3 coins.
3 Players: 2 “Venus” cards, 4 “Dog” cards and 2 coins.
2 Players: 1 “Venus” card, 2 “Dog” cards and 1 coin.
Each Player rolls a die and highest roller has first turn. First Player rolls all 5 dice and tries to make 5 of a kind, but only in that one roll. Next Player decides which dice to keep and which ones to roll from the last Player’s turn. Then rolls the dice they have chosen to try to make 5 of a kind, in one roll. Next Player decides which dice to keep and which ones to roll from the last Player’s turn. Then rolls the dice they have chosen to try to make 5 of a kind, in one roll. Next Player…..Repeat until 5 of a Kind is rolled, at which point, that Player receives a token for the 5 of a Kind and picks up all 5 dice and continues the cycle again.
Roll 5 sixes, (6,6,6,6,6) and claim a “Venus” card from the pile, if all gone, claim from another Player.
Roll 5 ones, (1,1,1,1,1) and claim a Coin from the pile, if all gone, claim from another Player.
Roll 5 of a kind of any other number and claim a “Dog” card from the pile, if all gone, claim from another player.
First Player to acquire 1 “Venus” card, 2 “Dog” cards and a coin wins.
For faster Play, use the point card system: “Venus” Card = 6 points, “Dog” Card = 2 points, and Coins = 5 points FIRST PLAYER TO 12 points, WINS.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | October 15, 2019 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |