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JH Duel - WARD





Hi. My name is John Edward Hall, creator of "JH Duel". There are some sample illustrations of the actual rough draft product for sale below this description. I created the designs for these cards myself.


I included my copyright Proposal for pre-registration with US Copyright Office:

"Started as a Viking versus Viking card game, this easy and innovative startup had elements similar to Spades. Two cards versus two cards, the highest sum retreats the opponent and wins the prize; a 54-card deck is split into an even 18 x 18 x 18 cards.

Instructions: LATER.

There are characters for a version of this game with EQUATIONS I authored. Animated illustration can be found at:

JH DUEL Card Game Project


Updated 06.17.2024. by JEH.


This is a ROUGH DRAFT game package, including over 294 unique cards, for a version of "JH Duel", an innovative and original card game created by John Edward Hall in 2021. ... However additional instruction is now set since June 2024 for this JH Duel Version, that is "JH Duel - WARD" or “Weapon-Attack Rough Draft”, and this can be bought at the online vendor location for REAL PLAY. This is a valuable version of JH Duel that exemplifies the original format being translated into a fantasy themed 294 card deck. The instructions can be found later this year or as soon as I post them.

I advise anyone to wait to buy this version as I can reduce the price with the instruction and boxed set later...........

X.) JH Duel, the Card Game, Origin.

Basis: This game was started out of a whim to create a card game. It can compete with current card games that are popular with adult players today and can be translated for themes outside of the original format.

Tools: 54 card deck, 2 dice, paper, writing utensil.

Etymology: "JH" is for John Edward Hall, the creator of the card game. "Duel" is a play on a word, "DU-AL" (dual), meaning DOUBLE, or 'two cards versus two cards', the factor that distinguishes this card game from others as ingenious (at least for now). Duel also means, 'fight between two people'.

Base inspiration: Create a Viking card game that simulates two ships raiding eachother with only a standard deck of 54 cards. <<------ This is exactly what happened.

Base Application: The Viking ship has 18 men on it, each with different strengths. The enemy Viking ship is the same. There are nine battles with this Viking 'ship-raid'. First, choose 2 Viking men to go against an enemy pair of Viking men. Remember, once you choose the combination of strengths, the combination cannot be used again.


XX.) JH Duel FULL INSTRUCTIONS - v.1.1-K by John Edward Hall.

A.) The ROUND - The PAIR, and the resultant HIT.

The original JH Duel uses a STANDARD 54 Card Deck using ALL OF THE CARDS (including 2 Jokers). Using number cards 2 THROUGH 10 in RED AND BLACK card suits (RED for one player, BLACK for the other player)(18 CARDS in a HAND for each player), players take ruled turns to strategically out-play the opponent by creating a "HIT": the sum of 2 DICE ROLLED multiplied by the sum of a PAIR OF CHOSEN NUMBER CARDS.

Each player always presents 2 CARDS, or ONE PAIR, PER ROUND and one player is always ruled to play a pair first. The second play must then be a PAIR, from the other player, that challenges, or foreits to, the first played pair.

A.2.) Natural SUM PRIZE CARD.

TWO PRIZE CARDS HAVE BEEN PRE-DRAWN from a RANDOM PRIZE DECK (see D.) and set-up so they can clearly be seen. Of these two prize cards, the player with the highest natural PAIR SUM, detains a PRIZE CARD OF CHOICE. The NATURAL SUM is both of the numbered cards added together without any additional rules of the game being applied. Hence, a 7H AND 4H is an 11 and a 9S AND 2C is an 11.



In the event of the SAME or EQUAL CARD PAIR SUM (including LETHAL JH Duel) of both opponent and player CARD PAIRs, the PAIR with the highest card number in it is sovereign to the other. In event of EXACTLY the same PAIR SUMS (I.E. 10H AND 10D versus 10S AND 10C) on the last ROUND of a SERIES, the PAIR that was played first is sovereign.


With BOTH PAIRS from BOTH PLAYERS having been placed, and AFTER the FIRST OF TWO ROUND PRIZE CARDS HAS BEEN TAKEN, the ROUND moves to the next stage, whereby the HIT is calculated after a 2 dice roll taken in turn by both players.*

  • The rule of the DICE ROLL is that the player with the HIGHEST (OR LOWEST) CARD SUM (the number on the cards in a PAIR added together) should roll first, and this should be consistent throughout the entire game (although players can roll at the same time).

A.5.) HIT Calculation Instance.

For instance, in the process of a HIT, if RED PLAYER (Hearts and Diamonds), previously played a pair of 10H AND 5D, and then rolls 2 DICE of 6 AND 3, the HIT is (10 + 5) multiplied by (6 + 3): this is 15 * 9 which equals a HIT value of 135.

For BLACK PLAYER (Spades and Clubs) to create a larger HIT (value), the pair of cards and dice roll must result in a HIT calculation LARGER than 135. For BLACK PLAYER, a pair of 8S AND 8C with a dice roll combo of 12 (6 and 6) could do this.

The player with the LARGEST (or highest) HIT (e.g. HIT of 135 versus HIT of 192) wins the SECOND OF TWO RANDOMLY DRAWN PRIZE CARDS from 18 face cards that are pre-selected before the commencement of a ROUND (before the appropriate player places the first pair). Hence, there are 9 ROUNDS with 9 CARD PAIRS per PLAYER and 18 PRIZE CARDS, or 2 PER ROUND. Once a CARD COMBO / PAIR is used, it cannot be used again: it should be put aside or discarded into a pile.

A.6.) Advice:

Choosing winning pairs requires some luck but mostly ingeniuity and strategy so as not to exhaust higher numbered or more valueable cards by the time they are needed (this can be based on the outcome of each player's choices AND EVEN low numbered cards can have strategic importance).


In JH Duel, a "SERIES" consists of 9 ROUNDS, and there can be 8 to 15 SERIES in a GAME (although this can be arbitrary).


The player who won the last PRIZE CARD in the last ROUND must choose the first pair to reveal in the next round.


PRIZE CARDS (or ANY OR ALL FACE CARDS IN a 54 card DECK) are shuffled together and placed in what would be called a RANDOM PRIZE DECK. Before the placement of PAIRs, TWO PRIZE CARDs ARE DRAWN from that DECK and SET FACE UP somewhere in view (usually on a table). The randomness of the PRIZE DRAW adds to the strategy, uniqueness, and uncertainty (OR CERTAINTY) of the game.

The value of the PRIZE CARD should have an effect on what cards to place; For instance, a JOKER is the highest valued PRIZE CARD, therefore a higher value or PAIR SUM should match this significance (unless another strategy takes precedence). Also, on a low valued PRIZE CARD like the JACK (10 points), it would not be wise to use a very high PAIR SUM, such as the highest valued pair of 10 AND 10, because this combination pair could be used to attain a higher PRIZE CARD in a round later in the SERIES.

After the get of PRIZE CARDS, the remaining PRIZE CARDS can be assumed by which cards have already been taken out or won.

For instance, if ALL BUT 2 ACEs and 2 JACKs have been taken out of the PRIZE DECK (4 cards left), and there are TWO ROUNDs LEFT IN A SERIES, it is assumed that the last PRIZE CARDs ARE SOME COMBINATION OF THESE FOUR CARDS: this should ideally alert either player to use their BEST or MOST STRATEGIC PAIR to attain the BEST PRIZE CARDs depending on when they are drawn.

Each face card has a point value respective to the tradional heirarchy of a standard card deck: Ace is 40 points, King is 30 points, Queen is 20 points, Jack is 10 points. The JOKERS are SPECIAL CARDS ("DOOM CARDS"). There are only TWO JOKERS; they each count worth 50 points. Additionally, once a player contains BOTH JOKERS, or a HAUS OF JOKERS, the SERIES immediately ends and is automatically won by that player, even if it is the first ROUND.

E.) Cannot use same value, UNLESS LAST ROUND OF SERIES.

In any round with exception to the last round, PAIRS CAN NOT match eachother in EXACTITUDE (illegal: 10H AND 10D versus 10S AND 10C). In any round, PAIRS CAN match eachother in SUM, or be higher or lower in sum when compared to each other (legal: 10H AND 5D versus 8S AND 7C). In the last round of the SERIES, both players CAN PLACE the same EXACT PAIR (mirror) (legal: LAST ROUND, 3H AND 1D versus 3S AND 1C) where the first placed PAIR is sovereign. This last round setup can have obvious advantages.

F.) JH Duel Original COUNTER Mode:

An interesting add to this game is the COUNTER MODE: a chance to challenge or COUNTER a HIT that would normally win the PRIZE CARD (can be signified by TURNING one card upside down and leaving the highest card face up, then declaring, "COUNTER"). In this case a "COUNTER HIT" would be based on the LARGEST NUMBERED CARD in each competing PAIR.

.Edit*** Please switch the word DEFENSE with COUNTER.

DEFENSE, DEFENSE NUMBER, or DEFENSE HIT, is the value calculated from the number of ONE DIE ROLL multiplied by the associated defense allowable in a pair:

Table 1. DEFENCE LEVEL Highest Number Card in PAIR ---> DEFENSE Number.*

2,3,4 ---> DEFENSE of 6.

5,6,7 ---> DEFENSE of 5.

8,9,10 ---> DEFENSE of 4.

  • The DEFENSE levels are strategically designed to make play more fun and easy to combat the opponent when an opposing pair is greater in value.

A player can calculate DEFENSE HIT with help from the chart above. For example, a 5H versus a 10S would equate to a RED DEFENSE of 5 versus a BLACK DEFENSE of 4. Using one die, a hypothetical resultant RED PLAYER DEFENSE HIT could be 5 * 2 die roll (10 DEFENSE) versus a hypothetical BLACK PLAYER DEFENSE HIT of 4 * 3 (12 DEFENSE). The player with the HIGHEST DEFENSE HIT must take the ONE REMAINING prize card.

With the usage of DEFENSE, a player's availability to counter later in the SERIES diminishes. A player may only play DEFENSE once per round (if the opponent's HIT is greater) and may only COUNTER 3 TIMES per SERIES.

G.) Creating a HAUS: Multiple PRIZE Cards of the Same FACE.



3 of a Kind ---> + 50 Points OR + 20 Points (Alternate).

4 of a Kind ---> + 100 Points OR + 40 Points (Alternate).

2 JOKERS ---> + 150 Points OR + 60 Points (Alternate).

Example: 3 KINGs (KKK) is 30 points + 30 points + 30 points which equals 90 points, and the INCREASE ADDED is 50 EXTRA POINTS: THE TOTAL VALUE OF POINTS including the EXTRA POINTs VALUE is 90 + 50 which equals a combined 140 POINTS. So the total points goes from 'KK', or 60 points, to 'KKK', making a HAUS of 140 points. This creates an advantage for either player to choose a HAUS wisely.

G.2.) HAUS OF JOKERS Point Value.

In event of a player assembling a HAUS OF JOKERS, or collecting 2 JOKERS, that player automatically wins the SERIES and retains ONLY 150 points that are added to the entire GAME POINT TOTAL. The losing player of a HAUS OF JOKERS SERIES does not accumulate any new points.

G.5.) HAUS Strategy: "BLOCKING".

It would be strategic to BLOCK THE OPPONENT from COLLECTING A PRIZE CARD when it results in a HAUS, even if the prize card is a LESSER VALUED CARD (Like a Jack which is valued at 10 points).

For example, IF THE PRIZE CARD IS A JACK, and if one player has collected 2 JACKS and the other player has collected 1 KING, the player with 1 KING should NOT LET the player with 2 JACKS win the HIT.*

  • For 3 Jacks collected (JJJ) is 10 points + 10 points + 10 points + 50 extra points for the completed HAUS, leaving the opponent with just a King (80 points for 3 Jacks versus 30 points for 1 King after HAUS) A BOLD LEAP FROM PREVIOUS POINT VALUE!

To create a BLOCK, the player with 1 KING (K) should use a PAIR that results in the HIGHEST HIT, thereby BLOCKing the opponent from creating the HAUS of Jacks; This BLOCK keeps player 'KJ' ahead of player 'JJ': A 'KJ' is 40 points versus 'JJ' that totals 20 points. Note how it is ONE PRIZE CARD that can change the course of the SERIES.


Through 9 ROUNDS and 18 PRIZES WON by either player through PAIRS, HIT VALUES, and possible DEFENSE HITS, after adding up the point values of all the prize cards combined and INCREASING THE POINT VALUE BY possible HAUS EXTRA POINTS, the player with the HIGHEST COMBINED POINT VALUE of ALL FACE CARDS attained, wins THE SERIES. Reiterating, the entirety of a classic or ORIGINAL JH Duel GAME consists of at least 8 to 15 SERIES, and the number of these can be arbitrary.

For simple point strategy, it does not necessarilly make sense that the player with more prize cards has higher combined points; hypothetically it only takes more than HALF OF THE TOTAL COMBINED POINTS OF ALL FACE CARDS to take a SERIES, not including HAUS EXTRA POINTS. So quickly calculating, the opponent can never beat the player after the median point value has been attained.

Of course, the only way for HAUS POINTs NOT to be applied is if BOTH PLAYERS had the same number of each FACE CARD: 2 Jacks, 2 Queens, 2 Kings, 2 Aces, and 1 Joker (9 prizes for each player). This WOULD result in a DRAW, were it not for, FIRST PLAY DISADVANTAGE (next).


An extra 5 POINTS is granted to the player that goes first in the first ROUND of a SERIES (plays the first PAIR only in the first ROUND). This is because the player who places the first pair has a strategic disadvantage.

Should there be NULL HAUS SCENARIO, where NO HAUS of cards is formed by either player, the player that started FIRST in a SERIES ends with 155 POINTS, instead of 150 points, beating the opponent by 5 POINTS.

J.) LETHAL Classical JH Duel.

LETHAL JH Duel is a more difficult way to play JH Duel, differing in initial card placement and ultimately how points are calculated.

Keeping the numbers 2 through 10, NUMBER CARDS are COLOR MIXED and are equally amounted in each player's hand. For instance, if the number card is 4, each player will have a RED 4 and a BLACK 4. Exactly 9 RED CARDS numbered 2 through 10 and 9 BLACK CARDS numbered 2 through 10 will be in either player's hand at the start of a SERIES.

In LETHAL, BLACK NUMBER cards hold the most value, with a point value of 0.8 (or equivalent) above the normal card number: a 5S is 5.8 points. RED NUMBER cards hold lesser value, adding 0.4 points to the top of the card: a 5H is 5.4 points.

PRIZE CARDS have similar upgrades respective to their points. BLACK FACE CARDS increase by a value of 2 points: a KS is 32 points; a JC is 12 points. RED FACE CARDS increase by 1 point: a KH is 31 points; a JH is 11 points.

Consequently, the amount of ways a game could end through the addition of points should be a strategy investment.

K.) JH Duel "Doubles".

In JH Duel, the smart combination of cards in a PAIR can lead to the event of "Doubles": doubling the original value of a PAIR, which can be granted in two ways. The first Doubles is from using the SAME TWO NUMBER CARDS in the PAIR, regardless of their color. The second Doubles is the MATCHING of a predetermined number total to the sum of the two cards in the PAIR, regardless of their color.

Doubles Types:

a.) "Doubles II": an option in JH Duel to increase the value of a card combo, or PAIR, by double if both cards are the same number card, regardless of color. I.E. instead of 20, a '10S,10C' would newly yield 40 (without LETHAL); a hypothetical following HIT could be at most 12 * 40 == 480.

b.) "Doubles EI-D": an option in JH Duel to increase the value of the PAIR SUM by double IF the PAIR SUM is equal to a predetermined value discerned from the respective spot in EI-D die roll chart.

Table 3. Doubles EI-D Chart (negating LETHAL)


1 -> 8 -> 16

2 -> 10 -> 20

3 -> 12 -> 24

4 -> 14 -> 28

5 -> 16 -> 32

6 -> 18 -> 36

Doubles should be figured before game play, should remain the same within a SERIES, and can change between each SERIES or remain constant throuhgout the entire game. Both Doubles types can be played at the same time.

L.) Stages.

In JH Duel, the sequence of stages loosely proceeds as follows:

Table 4. Stage Procedure

Stage - Stuff to do.


0.6. Get Natural SUM PRIZE Card.

1.0. Calculate HIT.

1.5. Possible DEFENSE / COUNTER.



2.5. Move to next ROUND.


3.0. Calculate SERIES PRIZE Points.


4.0. Calculate GAME WIN.

M.) JH Duel WIN, or END GAME.

The PLAYER with the most points, after combining SERIES PRIZE POINT totals, WINS.

N.) Additional Rules.

Play for money, or play for some type of motivation. Bet on something before playing.

XXX.) JH Duel WARD - A Version of JH Duel - SIMPLE RULES OR PLAY. "WARD": "Weapon-Attack ROUGH DRAFT".

This version of JH Duel includes "Weapons" and "Attack-Moves" (also called "AMs"). The two are combined to create a "HIT", or a calculated attack based on dice roll. If the TWO COMBINED CARDS defeat the opponent's DUAL CARD HIT, the player takes a prize. Accumulation of prizes leads to round wins. With repetition of SERIES and strategic play of pairs of WEAPONS and AMs, a player beats the opponent and takes the reward of "X MECHANISM", a sovereign artifact of POWER.

XXXX.) Copyright.

This information is Copyright © 2021 John Edward Hall, XJ Corps and is subject to change without notice. Some instruction is not included. Additional rules can apply.


XXXXX.) Author Sign-OFF.

John Edward Hall

Head, XJ Corps

-XJ. More later...


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date July 12, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info JH Duel - WARD web site

Why buy this?

  • Created by John H. owner of XJ Corps.
  • Original 294 unique cards from simple premise.
  • Precursor to bold franchise*


  • This game does not come in a box.


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