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Just My Type

A party game of fonts and connotations.





Nothing about the typed word is neutral; by definition, the words we write are given a voice by the typefaces they are set in. Some voices are loud, while others are soft. Some are happy, and some are somber. In Just My Type, the game is all about using this intuition to use the most appropriate fonts in a given situation.

What font would you use in a wordmark for: A clown conservatory in France? Bleach pens but for your memory? A strip mall on the Moon? In Just My Type, your friends are your judges, and your goal is to get the most cards as possible.


There are two types of cards in this game: Type cards, which are white; and Product cards, which are black. Place both piles of cards face down in the center of the table or playing space. If convenient for reaching purposes, the pile of Type cards may be split up into smaller piles.

Each player then draws 5 Type cards. The person wearing the most fonts on their apparel goes first — in the event of a tie, the person with the darkest colored top goes first. Play moves counterclockwise.


On each player’s turn, they assume the role of the Client. The Client plays a Product card by drawing the topmost card from the deck. The Client says aloud “What font would you use to sell…” followed by the prompt written on the Product card.

When ready, each player can pitch their chosen font directly to the Client and explain why they think the font matches their Product. Players can jump in to pitch in any order.

Players can use any reasoning they’d like for why a font matches the prompt, from the font type or form (Ex. Spectral is perfect because it’s a serif, and serifs are old!), to its name or feeling (Ex. Something about Comfortaa is just so… comforting.), or anything in between.

The Client can end any pitch that goes longer than thirty seconds.

After all pitches have been made, the Client decides which typeface to use and gives the player who proposed that font the round’s Product card as the prize.

After the round, players discard all Type cards used during that round and draw back up to 5 Type cards.

The player to the right of the current Client becomes the next round’s Client; play repeats until someone has received 5 Product cards.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date March 09, 2020
Edition 1st
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Funny prompts that'll start conversations
  • Friendly introduction to design and typography
  • Great replay-ability and easy to learn rules

Vincent Nicandro

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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