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K-Lock logo


Be the best K-Locker, defeat your rivals through your logic. Bend the System and win.




"The new K-Lock system has finally been completed. A network of logical connections, a computerized maze ideal for exchanging informations. The system is supported and protected by the Guardians, deep knowers of the K-Lock system, whose task is to protect secret data and stability of the network. But hidden in the shadows, ready to strike, are the Hackers, able to exploit any weakness in the system, to bypass any defense and if necessary to disappear into nothingness. Whether you are a Guardian or a Hacker, will you be able to understand the logic of the system, to exploit the mechanics to your advantage and to control the K-Lock? Challenge your friends in a game of pure logic, to become the strongest Klocker of the network!"

A game of pure logic, where you have to penetrate through your enemies defences to steal their secrets and exploit the system to protect yourself from their attacks.

Teaser Video

"Il nuovo K-Lock system è stato finalmente ultimato. Un network di connessioni logiche, un labirinto informatico ideale per scambiare informazioni. Il sistema è sorretto e protetto dai Guardians, profondi conoscitori del K-Lock system, il cui compito è proteggere i dati segreti e la stabilità del network. Ma nascosti nell'ombra, pronti a colpire, sono gli Hackers, in grado di sfruttare qualunque punto debole del sistema, di bypassare qualunque difesa ed all'occorrenza di sparire nel nulla. Che tu sia un Guardian o un Hacker, riuscirai a comprendere a fondo la logica del sistema, a sfruttarne la meccanica a tuo vantaggio fino a controllare a piacimento il K-Lock? Sfida i tuoi amici in un gioco di logica pura, per diventare il più forte Klocker del network!"

Un gioco di pura logica, dove dovrai infiltrarti tra le difese dei tuoi nemici per carpire i loro segreti e sfruttare il sistema per proteggerti dai loro attacchi.

Coming soon: video di gameplay e di presentazione!


Component Quantity Photo
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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date August 21, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • A pure logical and strategic game!
  • Original game system!
  • Challenging!

La Strada del Gatto

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  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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