In the distant horizon, lightning crashes amidst the boiling clouds over Dragonkeep Castle. The rumble of thunder is echoed by the ominous laughter of Sparktacus McFirestorm (Sparky the Dragon to his friends and enemies), ruler of the kingdom of Dragonkeep and captor of Princess Donnabelle.
Inside Dragonkeep Castle lies a cache of untold treasures jealously guarded by the ghosts and skeletons of its previous inhabitants. Traps, pitfalls and other dangers await anyone foolish enough to wander inside the castle walls. Sparky has taken over the castle with a magic door locking spell that also called in a horde of ghosts & skeletons.
The air is thick with the promise of fame, fortune and adventure. Will you be the hero that wins it all? The answer lies in your hands. The roll of the dice will spell the difference between sweet success and bitter failure in this quest of a lifetime!
Be the first to unlock castle doors to find the kidnapped princess, collect treasure, vanquish ghosts, and slay the dragon along the way, but be careful -- if you aren't fast enough, the dragon might just eat the princess!
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 1 reviews |
Publish Date | June 30, 2018 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
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