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Kingdom Combat Mercenaries logo

Kingdom Combat Mercenaries

This faction expansion may be combined with any previous faction or played as a stand alone set





Kingdom Combat combines the thrill of a strategy card game and the depth of a tabletop war simulation. Select your faction and create a deck from a vast array of formidable units, engaging events, and blindsiding dirty tricks. Strengthen and enhance your territories with fortified structures to maximize your resources, allowing you to deploy even mightier units and reveal more advanced strategies.


Kingdom Combat is a strategy card game designed for 2 or more players. Take charge as a faction leader! March your army across the battlefield and annihilate any hope of your opponent's recovery from your devastating blows of destruction.

Will your kingdom rise to the top or be left in ruins?


When you purchase a faction box, you will receive all the cards for that entire set! Everything you need to create multiple decks is included in each box. Here at Double Aye Games, we have never been a fan of games where you have continuously buy packs and chase down the most powerful and expensive cards to win. We believe that it should be an even playing field and everyone should have access to the same card pool to strategically build decks and play from. Depending on what deck you build and what strategy you use is the determining factor of who is victorious!

Mercenaries are hired thugs who employ cunning and deceitful tactics to ambush, steal your gold, or even set your village ablaze. They will accept payment from the highest bidder and are willing to do whatever is necessary to complete the task. ā€‹

This is the first expansion made for Kingdom Combat and these cards can be played as a completely stand alone set or added to any other faction of the game to enhance gameplay options and deck building variants.


Mercenaries are hired thugs who employ cunning and deceitful tactics to ambush, steal your gold, or even set your village ablaze. They will accept payment from the highest bidder and are willing to do whatever is necessary to complete the task.


This box containing everything you need to begin playing Kingdom Combat.

Mercenaries Deck Includes:

32 Unit Cards

50 Action Cards

21 Structure Cards

2 Double Sided Fortress Cards

A complete set of 105 Cards

A full visual spoiler is available HERE






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Average Rating 3 reviews
Publish Date October 19, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Kingdom Combat Mercenaries web site

Why buy this?

  • Get every card in the set with every purchase! LCG.
  • March your army across the table to attack your opponent.
  • A unique mix of strategy card game and chess like movement.

Double Aye Games's Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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