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Kingdom Of Mintin

A mini euro game that combines worker placement and resource management




The Kingdom of Mintin

Welcome to the Kingdom of Mintin, it’s time for you to rule your city and watch it grow in power. Will you become the ultimate ruler and control the entire kingdom?

The Kingdom of Mintin is quick and easy to learn turn based game played over 7 phases. You play as either Prince or Princess trying to build your kingdom. You can choose if you want a quick, medium or long game to suit your play time.

The game combines elements of resource management with worker placement. Workers are cards that are purchased and played to gain resources and need to rest after working. Your opponent has to try and keep track of your workers as they played face down. Which when combined with a little take that element of a Knight who can steal resource. But don’t worry you can set your city to defend instead of gaining resource, unless you can remember what everyone has already played over previous turns.

Gather more workers, so you can buy buildings and gain victory points, hopefully you’ll also complete your quest for extra points and become the ruler of Mintin. Good luck and have fun :)

Card layout

Your castle is where you store resources, the number of flags on the castle also represents the number of active cards you can have. The city card goes to the right of the castle and has actions you can do each turn. To the right of the city card are your ready workers. To the left of the castle are the resting workers. Active worker go above the castle card.


In the middle of the table place the workers and buildings decks. Each turn 4 workers and 6 buildings are available to purchase. Resource cubes are also placed in the middle of the table.


Watch the setup video:

Actions shots are based on home made cards.


Component Quantity Photo
Mint Tin 1 Mint Tin component icon
Micro Deck 1 deck of 17 cards Micro Deck component icon
Micro Deck 1 deck of 22 cards Micro Deck component icon
Micro Deck 1 deck of 6 cards Micro Deck component icon
Micro Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Micro Deck component icon
Micro Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Micro Deck component icon
Micro Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Micro Deck component icon
Domino Deck 1 deck of 3 cards Domino Deck component icon
Domino Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Domino Deck component icon
Domino Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Domino Deck component icon


Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date September 29, 2019
Edition First
Department Games

Why buy this?

  • A big game in a small tin, 116 components crammed inside!
  • A worker placement game, but your workers need to rest!
  • Rules for playing quick, medium and long version of the game


Koradin's Games

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See It In Action

  • action shot 1
  • action shot 2
  • action shot 3
  • action shot 4
  • action shot 5
  • action shot 6
  • action shot 7

Ratings and Reviews

Posted 5 years ago
Own It Played It

Yes, it should fit in the tin with a little room to spare. At the end of the rules there is a tin layout section on how it fits in, cubes/discs on the bottom, large cards and then everything else on t...

Posted 5 years ago
Nice Artwork

Does it fit comfortably inside the tin?

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