The world is an abandoned tip. Life is a series of lost souls trapped in cobbled together machines, biological accidents and strange combinations of the two. The Junkers use tiny salvage-bots to scour the wastelands for little treasures. In these they see the spark of life and use them to create strange and wonderful creatures to join their junkyard families.
In this worker placement game, from the designer of Cadaver and Lost in R'lyeh, players compete for resources in the scrap yard of life. Scavenging and trading players use the resources to build new creatures. The first player to build three new creatures will end the game. The player with the highest scoring creatures will win the game.
In this game your workers are each represented by different types of dice with different numbers of sides. Having a dice in an area allows you to roll against the area's target number to draw a resource from that area. So some workers (an 8 sided dice) will be more effective that others (a 4 sided) dice. As each player has a limited number of workers tough decisions need to be made as to which areas to prioritise with which workers.