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mma fighters from all over fight in the biggest battle ever, kumite !




Kumite is a dice rolling, card playing, mixed martial arts game, that accommodates 2 to 8 player (no previous martial arts knowledge required) to compete together using any of the 17 styles of martial arts in a no-holds barred battle, using weapons, a variety of combos and a finishing move on your opponent(s), whether you are attacking or defending, countering or counterattacking, until only one player has enough stamina left, in this all out fight to the finish to become the winner of Kumite.

And if for some reason you don"t see a style of mixed martial arts that you like, try buying the expansion packs (coming soon). Or E-mail me at for styles you want to see added. These cards can be added in, by simply switching out other cards. go to facebook kumite-the game. There will be expansion packs on styles, weapons, combos, and even the finishing moves.

Or you can take the game to a different level by playing it as a TCG (trading card game). If you and a friend both buy this deck, you both can buy the same or different expansion packs, and mix in what you like, and battle each other to see who built a better deck. GOOD LUCK !!! I will have a list of how many cards with that name can be played, coming soon.Look for a list on my facebook kumite-the game page.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date August 08, 2015
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info kumite web site

Why buy this?

  • NO other mixed martial arts game exists ! PERIOD.
  • No martial arts knowledge required to play !
  • 17 different mixed martial arts styles to play as.


  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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