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Lenormand Cards Cartoon Spotlight Edition

TimeForTalking Lenormand, unique Oracle Cards + With reduced book option +




      • TimeForTalking (TFT) Lenormand Cartoon Spotlight Edition (English Lenormand Oracle Cards) + + +

With this absolutely unique Lenormand card deck, we are truly bringing the Lenormand Oracle Cards well into this century.

Each card shows a photo but also provides interpretation tips and hints with printed on English text. For this the following areas are covered: Lenormand cards, numerology, crystals and gemstones, astrology, playing cards, chakras, meditation, colours, angels and more.

      • Totally NEW in these card decks + + + The personal cards are absolutely different but much more suitable, up-to-date and thus offering much deeper interpretation and design than any other card deck.

Suitable for a novice and the professional Lenormand card reader alike. Collectors of card decks will love it as well.

Your card deck purchase entitles you to buy the related Lenormand eBook (102 pages, value: $25.00, at a reduced price of only $12.99).

This does not only give insights into this unique card deck, but also provides further information about the photos, how to use this deck, the A-Z to crystals and gem stones and astrology, how to learn reading the Lenormand cards and much more.

+++To benefit from this reduced eBook offer, which is provided to you in form of an eBook to save you any additional printing and post & package/shipping costs, just visit a f t e r your card deck purchase the following link to purchase the book: Link+++

And we also offer you an alternative to purchasing the card decks printed and shipped from the USA. With our alternative you'll be saving on such printing and shipping costs. To find out more, visit: Link

We offer 3 different and unique Lenormand card decks: - i) TFT aka TimeForTalking Lenormand Photo Edition Link - ii) TFT aka TimeForTalking Lenormand Cartoon Edition Link - iii) TFT aka TimeForTalking Lenormand Cartoon Spotlight Edition (this deck here)

Should you have any queries before or during your purchase, please visit our page: *Oops! Page not found for full details and also a video & more. On there, you can also get in touch with us directly, or on this page here, via the links on the top right side.

These card decks are available in English as well as German. You find the German Decks on: (An alle deutschsprechenden Besucher: Dieses Lenormandkartendeck ist auch in deutsch erhältlich. Um die deutschen Decks anzuschauen, klicken Sie bitte:)

1) TFT aka TimeForTalking Lenormand Photo Ausgabe Link 2) TFT aka TimeForTalking Lenormand Cartoon Ausgabe Link 3) TFT aka TimeForTalking Lenormand Cartoon Spotlight Ausgabe Link

These card decks have been created and developed by Eva M April aka TFT aka TimeForTalking, of

Card decks, photos, design, text, idea: Copyright © 2010 Eva M April aka TFT aka TimeForTalking

* On our web page you'll find all our services.*

As we also offer: - spiritual mentoring with a variety of holistic modalities and psychic tools, like - psychic card readings, using cards, angels, astrology and claircognizance = psychic knowing, - soul purpose consultations, - past life insights, - psychological as well as holistic talk therapy, - card reading video seminars, - card reading one-to-one tuition, - an angel book, - lots of free information, through text, audios, videos, - a spiritual podcast, - a holistic blog, - as well as numerous free gifts. Guidance Services ~ Get inspired ~




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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date October 04, 2012
Edition ~ Cartoon Spotlight Edition ~
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info Lenormand Cards Cartoon Spotlight Edition web site

Why buy this?

  • TFT Lenormand Cartoon Spotlight Edition
  • 36 unique Lenormand Oracle Cards
  • Reduced Lenormand eBook purchase option!

TFT aka TimeForTalking

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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