Lost Kingdom is a Card Game created by Dan Leighly at FireBall Monster Games.
The Lost Kingdom is a world where Empires Reign. To those who occupy this world, it is a refuge of untold riches. The Dragons have always ruled the land, but there are others who are seeking the treasures of wealth and fortune.
You have at your call a group of warriors and explorers to help you in your adventures and travels. You are seeking land and treasures, wealth and glory.
Be prepared to fight, and defend what is yours for the taking. The Lost Kingdom is lost no more.
Game Objective:
You are the General of an army seeking land and fortune. Every section of land is up for grabs, and you will be competing for the vast riches and fortunes of those fortunate to acquire the most land, and build the most Empires.
Each player continues to take turns moving, attacking, claiming land, and collecting points until one of four things happen.
1. There are no more moves to be made. 2. A player has no more character tokens. 3. A player uses all their cards. 4. All sections of the map are claimed.
Once play is unable to continue, the player’s count up their land sections and Empires, and the player with the highest number of points wins the game.
In case of a tie, Dragons will battle it out with the die.
Lost Kingdom is a two-player game. The game pieces consist of 32 game map sections, 30 character cards, including Dragons, War Gods, Battle Warriors, Berserkers, and Demon Beasts. 50 marker tokens and, and one d-6 die.
Original Map Artwork by Gammatelier (Gamera1985) DeviontART.com used with permission. Dragon Artwork by Dulce V. Luna used with premission.