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Magic Carpet Ride

A unique team dexterity game using only one card!




Magic Carpet Ride is a dexterity game for teams of 2-4 players per team

This it played similarly to the classic game of HORSE with Basketball. Each round, one team chooses a starting and ending destination for the magic carpet. The same team also chooses an object to be transported by the carpet. The object is placed on the carpet card, and the carpet card is balanced on 4 total fingertips of the team members, Another team starts a timer. If the object or magic carpet ever fall off of the fingers, the team is out for that round. If the carpet ride is successfully transported, the time is remembered. All teams get to attempt this transportation once, and the team which completed the magic carpet ride the fastest gets the point for the round. The first team to score 3 points is the winner.

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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 09, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Surprisingly thematic
  • Silly dexterity
  • Teamwork and laugh out loud moments

Daniel McKinley

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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