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Magma Vent





The earth never sleeps. Molten rock circulates in thin crustal areas, pressure building, looking for a path to vent, sometimes with a catastrophic eruption.

Magma Vent is a two player strategy board game, with a mix of historical elements from Surakarta, an ancient game of Java, as well as a new strategy element - the Eruption. The combination of the unique circular capture from the original Indonesian game, and the novel Eruption, which alters the playfield, results in a game simple enough to learn in minutes, yet subtle enough to provide a continuing challenge.

Players strive to move their pieces to control circular capture paths where their molten jewel tokens can flow to attack the opponent. Each player can utilize a singular catastrophic eruption to block a capture path gone bad - for the remainder of the round, adding a new dimension to the ancient strategies. The shifting dynamics of control of the large and small capture circles as the playfield depopulates and changes from the eruptions requires careful control to come out on top!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 31, 2011
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Swirly captures
  • Catastrophic events
  • Historical interest

Dave Sivertsen

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