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An elegant empire builder for a modern audience.





It will take all your cunning and savvy to become a millionaire in Magnate. Whether you play the stock market, buy and sell real estate, start some businesses, or dabble in each, the Magnate is the one who can turn $100,000 into millions.

This is no easy task. There are no get rich quick schemes in Magnate. It's about making tough choices and putting together the right overall investment package to get this biggest return on your money. Sometimes it's about knowing when to walk away from a deal, but most of the time, it's having the courage to make a deal work when no one else can.


How To Play



These are the components that come with every copy. There are almost 300 components in all!



Build Your Empire

You build your empire through a combination of business, stocks, and real estate. Each has its own unique mechanics and benefits. Any combination can work to build wealth.


Businesses start out weak, producing only a few hundred or a few thousand dollars per month. However, once you start adding on modifiers it can grow to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars per month. The example below shows a business that started at only $200 per month, jumped to $2,000 with a reputation modifier, then $20,000 with a location modifier, and then finally is making $100,000 per month with a property modifier.



Stocks are a way for you to gain dividends and grow your empire by playing the market. The traditional, buy low and sell high. They gain more value the longer you hold on to them, but they are also very liquid so you can cash them out at any time. You can even sell some shares short, and use other mechanisms to bend the market to your will.


Real Estate

Real Estate is much more flexible than businesses. There are some modifiers you can apply to real estate such as the one below which triples the rent. However, monthly rent is not generally the way to build an empire quickly using real estate, unless you build really big. Instead, you'd be looking for buyers and resources that can help you flip your real estate investments quickly and for massive profit.



5-6 Player Expansion

If you grab the 5-6 player expansion, you'll get an additional 100 cubes, 54 cards, and 2 more ledger boards. This allows you to play the game with up to 6 players and introduces a whole slew of new empire-building options to the game. The content from the expansion is designed to fit inside the base game's box.




Component Quantity Photo
Quad-Fold Mat Set 1 set of 1 quad-fold mats Quad-Fold Mat Set component icon
Jumbo Deck 1 deck of 6 cards Jumbo Deck component icon
Custom Medium Punchout 4 Custom Medium Punchout component icon
Large Booklet 1 Large Booklet component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 126 cards Poker Deck component icon
Medium Stout Box (Full Box Printed) 1 Medium Stout Box (Full Box Printed) component icon
Crystal, Opaque, Gold 50 Crystal, Opaque, Gold component icon
D6, 12mm, Rounded, Golden/Black 1 D6, 12mm, Rounded, Golden/Black component icon
Ice Cube, 8mm, Opaque, Silver 100 Ice Cube, 8mm, Opaque, Silver component icon
Meeple, Large, Acrylic, Opaque, Gold 1 Meeple, Large, Acrylic, Opaque, Gold component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date February 16, 2020
Edition Fourth
Department Games
Tags Financial Empire Building Modern / Present Hardcore Gamer Engine Building Acquire

Why buy this?

  • The ultimate modern empire building game
  • Stocks, real estate, and business, you choose how to build
  • You're the kind of geek who likes using a calculator to play

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The Game Crafter, LLC

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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See It In Action

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