Fun & fast-paced game about Bots on floating lands programmed with magnetism.
You are Magnetic Bots stranded on floating lands where there is but only one way to escape: by moving towards the Floating Ship through programming your magnetism. Be the first to magnetize towards the Ship before the lands crumble and fall!
Created for the Mint Tin Challenge. Please support. Thank you. :)
Over the course of 3 Phases in 3 Rounds, players will try to move their Bots through the Lands and unto the Ship Tin by programming cards, with all sorts of actions but often involve moving towards/away from the Ship Tin or moving the Land Spaces. Before those Lands crumble & fall, a player that has most of their Bots inside the Ship Tin wins!
Remove all contents & place the Mint Tin (already with the Ship Sticker) at the center of the table with 3 Land Spaces both at its sides in a row.
Each player selects a color, takes the Bots of that color, & places a Bot on both the Land Spaces at the ends of the row.
For 2 Player Mode Only: Each player selects two colors & takes the Bots of that color.
Randomly place all the Cards in a 4x3 Grid for easy reach of players.
Randomly determine a starting player & give him/her the First Player Token.
The game has 3 simple Phases played in order.
Starting with the First Player & going clockwise, each player selects & takes a card from the Grid & places it in front of them in order (first selection as first play & third selection as last play). The round continues until all players have 3 cards in front of them.
Players resolve the card’s effects by doing its actions (See Player Aid: Cards' Effects). Place back your selected card on the grid after it has been resolved.
Starting with the First Player and going clockwise, each player resolves the card’s effects of their first selected card on the first round, then resolves the second card on the next round, & resolves the third card for the last round. Until all cards are placed back in the grid.
It is required for you to resolve your card’s effects even if it plays against you, except for the “Super Pole” Card.
All Bots successfully placed inside the Ship Tin is safe. Thus, it cannot be moved by any cards' effect.
The Lands started to fall. Remove the Land Spaces on each end of the row. Remove also the Bots on those Land Spaces (if any). A player is eliminated if all his/her Bots fell with the fallen Land Spaces.
Pass the First Player Token to the next player clockwise.
Repeat all the Phases until:
There are no more Land Spaces or
1 or no Bots remain on the Land Spaces
This ends the game.
At the end of the game:
A player that has most of their Bots inside the Mint Tin wins!
Bots in the Mint Tin & knocked down Bots can still be assigned as a Source Bot.
For 2 Player Mode Only:
During the MAGNET Phase, played cards are not placed back on the Grid. Instead, set them aside. If there are no more cards in the Grid, arrange all the cards (that was set aside) in the Grid again.
This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.