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The game of dueling doodles!




Medieval Monastic Magic

The Ars Notoria was a magical text that was said to give the one who performed all the rituals within infinite knowledge. In Marginalia, you play a monastic who has completed the Ars Notoria in order to bring the miniature drawings you make in the margin of manuscripts to life in order to battle it out on the page.

Marginalia is an ECG (Expandble Card Game) where all cards in a set are available in the base game. Later, additional expansions will be released in non-randomized booster packs in order to add more cards to the game.

Pick Up and Play

Marginalia is easy to learn, but has a lot of room to grow. Each game is different as players use a randomized deck forcing players to rely on their skill at playing their cards. Players must know which cards to play now and which to discard for later.

All marginalia (creatures played to the page) have special abilities so that all cards are valuable and and viable. With incantations (instant spells) there is a good amount of variety to keep the game different each time.

Marginalia includes a number of unique mechanics to help it stand out among the TCGs and ECGs in your game closet including multiple battle lines and lanes and reinforcements.

Discover the World of Medieval Manuscript Decoration

The art found in the world of Marginalia comes straight from the pages of medieval and early renaissance manuscripts. Discover the creativity of monks and nuns from ages past as they decorated the books they copied by hand with small, intricate, and fantastical creatures in the margins.

Be transported back in time as you join these nameles artists as you draw your own marginalia and bring them to life to battle!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 15, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Marginalia web site

Why buy this?

  • ECG means you get the whole set
  • Real medieval marginalia
  • Easy to learn, tough to master

Jean de Lorraine Cartes

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  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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