Deep in the heart of the Caribbean lies a quaint little port called Mermaid Cove with a history of piracy and magic. With the dawn of the 21st century, players take on the role of cut-throat resort owners competing to build lavish resorts and harness the breathtaking beauty of this tropical paradise in order to draw rich tourists from around the globe. Mermaid Cove plays out similar to Jaipur except with a much greater variety of cards and strategy, a unique currency system, and a sunny tropical theme! Mermaid Cove is a great game that is easy to set up and can be played over and over again using new strategies each time to win.
Mermaid Cove has been played countless times with 2, 3, and 4 players. My personal preference is with 2 players, as there is good back and forth.
The game play is simple to start playing, but has strategic depth is maintaining control of the table . Players take turns and each turn they have the option of purchasing 4 different cards. There is also a fifth option that is free. Money is tight, so knowing when and what to invest in to get tourists to come to your resort is critical. Over time, cards get cheaper, so good money management is also crucial. Mermaid Cove is generally non-aggressive. For non-gamers who spend all their money right away, there are ample opportunities to get more money without damaging the chances of more experienced players.