“Miles To Go!” is a travel game with an attitude! Sit back and enjoy those long trips with a game that is sure to provide hours of fun. Make those miles seem like no time at all!
Let's be honest, you can only play "Road Trip Bingo" or the "ABC" game so many times on trips before you want to jump out of the window! With this game, you will find yourself entertained and always on the prowl for the next item!
The object of Miles To Go! is simple…find as many objects as you can to acquire as many points as possible before you reach your destination. This game can be played during the whole trip! In a car, in a gas station, rest stop, airplane, boat....whatever. You keep your deck with you at all times during the trip because you never know where an item may pop up!
With a few tricks thrown in there, you will need a keen eye and a bit of a “cut throat” mentality.