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Mob Wars

Chicago just got a whole lot noisier in this fast paced social deduction game!




Are you a fan of games like Mafia, Avalon, or Secret Hitler?

Think you can put those social deduction skills to the test in a high-speed adaptation?

Test your quick thinking and quick trading skills in Mob Wars

Mob Wars is a fast-paced social deduction game for 5-11 players. Two teams are racing to eliminate the other team's leader while the Renegade attempts to ruin everything. Will you trade in arms? or will you stick to contraband? Whatever you decide to do, act quick! The other team is looking for you too! Mob Wars

Trading is done in a quick, Pit style manner with players shouting the number of cards they would like to trade for an equal number of cards. Be careful who you trade with, you don't want the enemy to collect sets.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date July 16, 2019
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Players compete in a highly interactive "Pit" style trading.
  • If you like shouting accusations, this is a game for you
  • The hidden Renegade can take the cake if he is sneaky

Redd Desert Games

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