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My Big Break   logo

My Big Break

Audition. Fail. Get bitter. Strike back!




Ever wonder where Broadway stars come from? Everyone who ever landed a big break had a story leading up to it.. This is a game about those stories.
Components of the game are pawns, dice, money, credits, bitter cards, closing cards, and the board pieces. You audition for gigs by rolling dice and accumulate a resume in the form of credits so that you eventually are qualified and ready to audition for your 'Big Break'. Booking this gig wins the game!
You will take turns with your 'friends', who are just as thirsty to get their Big Break as you are, and will stop at nothing to make sure they get there before you do. Each turn has four quick phases. The first is an income phase, where you earn credits and/or money (except when in NYC, where nobody actually makes money. They lose money...quickly). The second phase is the exciting audition phase where you roll dice to see if you are cast in a gig. The third phase is a movement phase. You will be moving to where your new gig is, or moving back home with Mommy, or making the big move to NYC in this phase. In the last phase you either may play a 'bitter card' you've acquired by failing an audition or you may 'take class'. Play a bitter card to thwart your so-called 'friends'. Be careful, though, they may return the favor in the future! Taking class involves exchanging money and other resources to gain special advanced credits which you will need to go on more advanced gigs.

When you complete gigs you earn bonuses in the form of Closing Cards. These are random and allow you to advance through the game quicker.

You must possess all three specialty credits (acting, vocal, and dance) and must have 15 total credits or more to audition for your 'Big Break'. If you fail this audition, you lose an advanced credit, a generic credit, and gain two bitter cards. You will take turns clockwise with your 'friends' (who you are sure are less talented and deserving than you are) until somebody books their 'Big Break'. Then the game is over and your 'friends' can spend the rest of their lives 'acting' in haunted houses, 'singing' at birthday parties, or square 'dancing' in their home towns!

Several components of this game have recently gone up in price, if you'd like to purchase a copy directly from the designer for only $40+shipping, email him at


Component Quantity Photo
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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date May 15, 2014
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

"If you have an aspiring performer in your family, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more thematically appropriate board game!"

  • An entirely new subject matter for a strategy game!
  • Very interactive!
  • Allows players falling behind to team up on the leader!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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