In the early 1860s, a hot-air balloon carrying six friends, crash landed on an uncharted island in the South Pacific Ocean. Together, they must craft, explore, and move during the day and fight off threats at night. Survivors will move across the island finding clues that will reveal story moments and help them how to escape the island. However, as they move toward their ultimate goal, time is running out, as a catastrophic event will unfold at the end of 30 days!
Mysterious Island is a cooperative survival game that uses an action point system for players to make strategic choices. In conjunction with those choices is the variability of the cards that are drawn during the Day and Night Phases. These cards often will determine how players make their choices.
The Day and Night decks double as a "timer" for the end of game. Once they run out, the game is over and the survivors lose in catastrophic fashion. Of course, staying alive while searching for a way off the island is another adventure of its own. If all survivors die the game is over.
The Craft and Explore decks offer the player ways to improve their skills and chance of survival. The 35 Craft cards will ALWAYS provide items to help survivors along their way. The 35 Explore cards have both positive and negative effects on the players depending what is drawn.
Out of the 130 cards used in a game, only 6 are doubles, which makes each game session very unique. These variables offer high re-playability and make the gaming experience different each time.
If you, or someone you know, love adventure games with elements of survival and exploration, give Mysterious Island a try!
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 2 reviews |
Publish Date | February 01, 2019 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
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