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N'Aton Tarot by Nema

Nema Tarot Art




These 22 cards constitute the only intact section of the Maat N’Aton deck. The Trumps were done in acrylics on canvas, photographed and saved in .tif format by Frater Nemus, their owner.

Maat is the Egyptian neter, or principle, of truth. N’Aton is the collective consciousness of humanity that operates, when awake, in concert with our individualities. Maat’s magick aims to awaken the sleepers through the direct perception of our secret nature. We are One, we are None.

In addition to being used for divination, the cards can function as talismans to help your desires become accomplishments. The Trumps seem most useful with Inner concerns.

When the Trumps are paired, they can yield deeper insights than single cards can provide.

The Fool and Adjustment represent the double current of Horus and Maat. The Magus and The Universe mutually include each other. The Priestess and The Hierophant indicate our next clue toward truth. The Empress and The Emperor are our parents, ancestors and gene patterns. The Hermit and The Devil are singularity and duality seeking Nothing.

The Lovers and Art are forms of Alchemy, and both are armed. The Chariot and The Tower are the mover and the shaker of gnosis. Strength/Lust and Judgment/Aeons are matter/energy and spacetime. Fortune and The Star indicate luck, probabilities, hope, success and failure. The Hanged Man and Death mean sacrifice and end of self as we know it. The Sun and The Moon are the greater lights of the sky and the heart. *

The eight feathers of the deck’s back show a link with Chaos and with Chaos Magick. The rainbow represents the Chaos color of octarine. The feather is a symbol of Maat.



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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date July 03, 2022
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info N'Aton Tarot by Nema web site

Why buy this?

Nema has been one of the most influential occultists of the last quarter century.

  • The future is in your hands.
  • Cards for your transformation.
  • The cards can function as talismans.

Horus Maat Lodge's Games

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