Did you know that Napoleons campaign in Egypt was what started the Europian Craze for Egyptian Artifacts? He went there, looted, and returned with tons of cool swag. Of course the untold story is what he had to do to get that stuff. Relive the untold history of Napoleon's brave shopping spree before being forced to retreat.
3 vs 1 gameplay puts 3 players in the role of the Mummy Hordes constantly sending wave after wave of Mummy Units surging towards Napoleons Defensive lines. One player stands (or sits, depending on tabletop etiquette) alone, ordering units to firing lines while trying to loot as much treasure as possible.
This game features 36 custom dice, a bunch of stickers, several play mats supporting standard and advanced game modes, a nifty new rule book type, and a bunch of other stuff (well, a few other stuff). Custom Dice serve a duel purpose as actions as well as units which may be placed on the board. Be certain, Napoleon will fall, but how much will you help your fellow Mummy Lords to make it happen that much quicker?
This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.